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- ##########################################################
- # GulfTech Security Research December 14th, 2004
- ##########################################################
- # Vendor : phpGroupWare
- # URL : http://www.phpgroupware.org
- # Version : phpGroupWare
- # Risk : Multiple Vulnerabilities
- ##########################################################
- Description:
- phpGroupWare (formerly known as webdistro) is a multi-user
- groupware suite written in PHP. It provides a Web-based calendar,
- todo-list, addressbook, email, news headlines, and a file manager.
- The calendar supports repeating events. The email system supports
- inline graphics and file attachments. The system as a whole supports
- user preferences, themes, user permissions, multi-language support,
- an advanced API, and user groups. phpGroupWare is included with some
- Linux distributions.
- Path Disclosure:
- phpGroupWare allows for full path disclosure. This issue can take
- place in more than one way. One example that will trigger the path
- disclosure is by appending junk (such as metacharacters) to the end
- of a session id. Below are two other examples
- http://host/phpgroupware/preferences/preferences.php?appname=blah
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=blah
- This will reveal the full physical path of the web directory, and
- could possibly aid a would be attacker. The other example of path
- disclosure can be triggered by specifying an invalid menu item.
- Cross Site Scripting:
- Cross Site Scripting takes place in multiple places in phpGroupWare.
- Below are some examples.
- http://host/phpgroupware/wiki/index.php?kp3=99884d8a63791f406585913d74476b11
- %22%3E%3Ciframe%3E
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=forum.uiforum.post&type=new%22
- %3E%3Ciframe%3E
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=forum.uiforum.read&msg=202%22%
- 3E%3Ciframe%3E
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=forum.uiforum.read&forum_id=3%
- 22%3E%3Ciframe%3E&msg=202
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=forum.uiforum.read&msg=42&pos=
- 10%22%3E%3Ciframe%3E
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=preferences.uicategories.index
- &cats_app=%22%3E%3Ciframe%3E
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=preferences.uicategories.edit&
- cats_app=notes&extra=&global_cats=True&cats_level=True&cat_parent=188&cat_id
- =188%22%3E%3Ciframe%3E
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=email.uimessage.message&msgbal
- l[msgnum]=1%22%3E%3Ciframe%3E&msgball[folder]=INBOX.hello&msgball[acctnum]=0
- &sort=1&order=1&start=0
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=email.uicompose.compose&fldbal
- l[folder]=INBOX.hello&fldball[acctnum]=0&to=%22%3E%3Ciframe%3E&personal=&sor
- t=1&order=1&start=0
- http://host/phpgroupware/tts/viewticket_details.php?ticket_id=338%22%3E%3Cif
- rame%3E
- These Cross Site Scripting issues could allow an attacker to possibly
- gather sensitive information from a victim, and execute arbitrary client
- side code in the context of the victim's browser.
- SQL Injection:
- phpGrouWare has several SQL Injection holes. Some are not bad, some are
- a bit unorthadox, and a few are dangerous. One example of a kinda unorthadox
- SQL Injection is in the Trouble Ticket system. If an attacker requests a url
- like this:
- http://host/phpgroupware/tts/viewticket_details.php?ticket_id=355[SQL_QUERY]
- nothing will happen, but as soon as you save the ticket you are allowed to
- influence a SELECT query which could be very bad. Some more examples of the
- not so dangerous SQL Injection issues are:
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=todo.ui.show_list&order=[SQL_Q
- UERY]&sort=ASC&filter=&qfield=&start=&query=
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=projects.uiprojects.list_proje
- cts&order=[SQL_QUERY]&sort=ASC&filter=&qfield=&start=&query=&pro_main=&actio
- n=mains
- It should be noted that other parts of this query can be tampered with also,
- such as the sort fields etc. Now for some examples of the more dangerous
- issues that let you influence the query right in the middle of a SELECT
- statement.
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=projects.uiprojects.edit_proje
- ct&pro_main=31&action=subs&project_id=32[SQL_QUERY]
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=projects.uiprojects.edit_proje
- ct&pro_main=31[SQL_QUERY]&action=subs&project_id=32
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=projects.uiprojects.view_proje
- ct&pro_main=31&action=subs&project_id=32[SQL_QUERY]&domain=default
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=projects.uiprojects.view_proje
- ct&pro_main=31[SQL_QUERY]&action=subs&project_id=32&domain=default&494fbb
- http://host/phpgroupware/index.php?menuaction=projects.uiprojecthours.view_h
- ours&project_id=32&pro_parent=&action=subs&hours_id=26[SQL_QUERY]&domain=def
- ault
- You can use these particular examples to UNION select info from the database
- with
- little effort required. This can be bad when password hashes start getting
- pulled
- by an attacker, or other sensitive data. I will release my proof of concepts
- for
- phpGroupWare once the updated version is available.
- Notes:
- All of the example url's had the session id, click history, and kp3
- variables
- removed except where they were part of one of the examples. I also wrapped a
- few of the above examples for readability.
- Solution:
- I was able to speak to one of the lead developers via IRC on September 25th,
- 2004. I made the developer aware of the vulnerabilities, and held off on
- publishing my findings for a couple of months. I have not been able to get
- in
- touch with any developers for some weeks now, so I publish my finding in
- hopes
- that the community will present a fix :)
- Related Info:
- The original advisory can be found at the following location
- http://www.gulftech.org/?node=research&article_id=00054-12142004
- Credits:
- James Bercegay of the GulfTech Security Research Team
- --
- No virus found in this outgoing message.
- Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
- Version: 7.0.296 / Virus Database: 265.5.0 - Release Date: 12/9/2004